25 maart 2025

America’s New Free Speech Enemies List Is Getting Longer
Ancient Egypt (6) - Revealing Ancient History - Questions (Athena Swaruu)
Argentina is Experiencing an Oil Boom, with Bright Spots and Shadows
Children are overrepresented in this genocide
CIA Insider Reveals Failed Plan to Kill Fidel Castro with a Bioweapon | Judyth Vary Baker
David Icke | The Next Step in The Global Control Agenda!
Europe’s Silence Fuels Gaza Crisis—Can EU Act?

FBI on ‘frenzied mission’ to redact Epstein files – CNN
Four survivors of Japan’s “hostage justice” filed a lawsuit at the Tokyo District Court on March 24
Geopolitieke spelletjes en massavorming: wie trekt er aan de touwtjes?
Here's What They Aren't Telling You About War With Iran | TCN Compilation
How Israel Killed the Kennedys
How the CCP Infiltrated America’s Critical Infrastructure: Michael Lucci | Trailer
If Trump Can Disappear Them, He Can Disappear You

IRS Whistleblower Who Exposed “Antiquated Systems” Placed on Leave; CJF & Citizen AG Provide Support
It's a Big Club, and We're Not Invited
Jeffrey Sachs - Will the Ukraine War Destroy NATO?
JFK advisor Schlesinger's chilling warning about the CIA
JFK Files, Epstein and the Deep State - Mike Benz
Judicial Tyranny: Tip of the Deep State Sword
Kursk Frontline Combat - Ukraine Drone Almost Kills Me

Microsoft Flight Simulator - World Update XIX - Brazil Launch
Musk-robots - (wan)hoop van de mensheid, insider-trading van Pelosi en de ondergang van mannelijkheid
Obama's USAID-schandaal – Financiering van 'Rent-a-Mobs'
The EU wants to censor the global internet
The HIDDEN War of Panama Canal - Blackrock’s Takeover of Ports From CK Hutchison
The Navy’s Secret Space Armada - Powered by Suppressed Tesla Tech? | Dr. Michael Salla
These Are Boom Times For White Collar Criminals

This Is One Of The Most Banned Recordings On Youtube.
Trump Forces Powerful Institutions To Cave. What Now? — Niall Stanage
Trump fuels JFK conspiracy theories after ‘somewhat unspectacular’ file release
Trump Soon To Be Arresting Some Major Government Crooks
Trump—Seeking Revenge for His Mortality—Wages War on Everything That Lives
US Agencies Used BLACKLISTED Chinese Supercomputers For Nuclear Projects?
US war plans for Yemen leaked to journalist in Signal group chat
Was 2020 a CIA Regime-Change Operation?
Why does Trump want Greenland, anyway?

24 maart 2025

1933 Repeat? How is Europe Planning to Pay for War?
An EMP Attack on the U.S. Power Grids and Critical National Infrastructure
Booking in de Westbank
Boots on the Ground - German is asking for WW3
Chinese police are going door-to-door to force everyone to install the government spyware, ''anti-fraud'' app
Czech President now admits it was evident two years ago that Ukraine could not win

De EU maakt er een puinhoop van, miljarden worden verkeerd besteed
De grote uitverkoop van Oekraïne
Dotcom.radio aflevering 459
Dwars Door De Politiek
European visitors to U.S. surprised by denial of entry, dayslong detentions
EU’s Kallas furious over Spanish PM’s remarks
French nuclear umbrella not sufficient or effective to protect Europe - media

G. Edward Griffin Exposes the Fed
Gaza is being starved and bombed again. Why are we allowing it?
Hooikoorts - een jaarlijks probleem met een verrassende oorzaak
How a War With Iran (for Israel) Could Crash the US Economy
Legendary Astrologer Predicts EARTH-SHAKING Changes 2025-2027
Massahysterie over de Russische ambities

NATO ships to get advanced electronic warfare tech to confuse enemy missiles, drones
Nieuwe film ‘persona non grata’ toont de demonisering van David Icke
Onderzoek Clingendael werkt toe naar gewenste conclusie
Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
Russia - Death Or Prison For Foreign "Mercenaries" On Frontline
Suppletie met kurkuma maakt behandeling van colitis ulcerosa effectiever

The 'Most Tortured Man In Guantanamo Bay' Explains How His Diary Became A Movie
The British Military Is ACTIVELY Involved In Gaza. Here’s How | Aaron Bastani Meets Matt Kennard
The Dark, McCarthyist History of Deporting Activists
Whistleblower SHREDS Clinton Foundation in Explosive Interview
Why CCP Leaders Fear the Exposure of Their Immense Wealth: Col. Grant Newsham
Willem Engel en Jeroen Pols Weekoverzicht

21 maart 2025

Aaron Mate on how NATO provoked Russia in Ukraine and undermined peace
An Analysis of EMP Attack on the U.S. Power Grids and Critical National Infrastructure
Dangerous Animals - Official Teaser
De EU smijt met ons geld
De Illuminati en de Khazaarse Maffia met Brecht Arnaert
Dit is de link tussen USAID en de Nederlandse bestrijders van ‘desinformatie’

Elon Musk's DOGE Blocks $52 Million in Payments to World Economic Forum
End The War In Ukraine, US/NATO Out Of Eastern Europe
Europa The Last Battle All Parts HD
Even Israeli media says the apartheid state is to blame for ‘endless war’ and ceasefire breakdown
Evidences that Israel Controls the U.S. Government
Exposing the Euro Blob: The EU’s Propaganda Machine

Google imports ex-Israeli spies who automated Gaza genocide
Has Donald Trump been outfoxed by Putin and Zelensky?
HUGE Structures Discovered Over 1.5 Miles Below the Great Pyramid of Giza!
Hundreds of Palestinians Killed. US Supplies 2,000 Pound Bombs to Israel
Iran In the Crosshairs
KC-135 Stratotanker Air Refuels a Fully Armed F-16 Fighting Falcon

One Battle After Another - Official Teaser Trailer (2025) Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Penn
Politici kunnen miljarden euro’s verspillen zonder dat het ze wordt aangerekend
Producing nuclear fusion fuel is banned in the US for being too toxic
Prof. John Mearsheimer - Can Europe Survive?
Secret Sciences of UFOs & Anti Gravity Propulsion
Seyed Marandi - Is Israel Destroying Itself?

The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right about JFK + Israeli Ties to Assassination
The Forever Wars May be Over, But Trump Is No Peacemaker
The German cartel parties are beginning to lose control of their own political system, and this is making them a little crazy.
The Rockefeller Foundation Global Vaccination Initiative
The Stablecoin Trap - The Backdoor to Total Financial Control
Trump’s Second American Revolution – The Deep State’s Worst Nightmare Begins!

Watch Free Documentary on ‘The Great Taking’ Called STOP IT
Why Do the Elites Want to Take Us to War?
Why globalisation isn’t working – Part 2
Young adults in pain start using cannabis earlier and are more likely to mix it with alcohol
Young Patient Dies After Receiving New Gene Therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Your nervous system hacks won't heal you

20 maart 2025

Covid-vaccins veranderen de persoonlijkheid en emoties van mensen
Een klinische kijk op adaptogene kruiden
How Trump took credit for the Gaza ceasefire – and then let it unravel
JFK Files Suggest CIA Involvement, Multiple Assassins
NATO Is Being DESTROYED (But Not How The Establishment Claims)
Radical Anti-Musk Group Create Website 'Dogequest' to Doxx, and Intimidate Tesla Owners
Rockefeller Foundation Experiment to Stimulate Diversity
The Gaza ceasefire is dead ? Israeli domestic politics killed it
The Study Showing the mRNA Vaccine Cancer Link That They Don’t Want You to See
Trump Gives Israel “Green Light” to Renew Gaza Bombing

19 maart 2025

85% of Greenland oppose joining USA, but Trump wants to colonize it over minerals & China
Chinese Engineer Sentenced To Death For Leaking Government Secrets
Curcumin helps treat mycobacterium abscessus
Efficacy of high-dose vs. low-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in children with chronic tic disorders
From Yemen To Iran To Gaza To Russia - Is Trump Losing The Plot?
Gaat Nederland de schulden in voor herbewapening onder "ReArm Europe"? Ralf Dekker (FVD) in debat
Judyth Vary Baker Unveils Cancer Labs, Oswald’s Secrets, and a Hidden War on Life
Mannose remt misschien prostaatkanker
No mRNA Vaccine Funding Has Been Canceled
Stopping The Great Taking By Stomping The Great Reset
Trump has failed and been 'manipulated' by Putin
UNTANGLED Episode 120 - Something Big is Shifting
UPDATE in JFK assassination document release
Zwitserse onderzoeker - Nordstream is met een nucleaire bom opgeblazen

18 maart 2025

Autism & measles vaccine?
Business As Usual While Public Trust In The Media Disappears
Could a little spice in your diet prevent gestational diabetes?
Did a ‘sonic weapon’ cause a stampede of protesters in Serbia?
Does The US Have A Secret 'Kill Switch' To Deactivate European Weapons?
Dramatic shift by President Trump toward Houthis - Retired Lt. Gen. Newton
Europe's Own Wars

Gelukkig is er een nieuwe crisis om de regels een poosje te negeren
Governments use our tax dollars to enforce destructive mandates
Jeffrey Sachs - Peace Negotiations & the End of NATO
Musk - I think we found now 14 magic money computers
Na Oekraïne, Iran?
Oud-bestuurders pleiten voor afschaffen omroepen, NPO nu alleen voor “hoogopgeleide, linkse Randstedeling”
Oud-kanselier Merkel - Stop met term Putin-Versteher

PDF - Economy, Society, and History
Prof. John Mearsheimer - Single greatest threat to free speech
Serbian Government Accused Of Using ‘Sonic Weapon’ To Disperse Protestors
Significant number of nations to provide troops to Ukraine coalition
Study Shows High-Dose Creatine May Boost Brain For Up To Nine Hours
Take Back Control wil nog steeds niet lukken
The Deep State’s Attempt To Make Ukraine a Three-Front War
The Gary Null Show 3.17.25

The German elites are bypassing democracy
The Shrouds - Official Trailer (2025) Vincent Cassel, Diane Kruger, Guy Pearce
They Could Become Killing Machines - Neurosurgeons Thoughts on Elon Musk's Neuralink
This ‘highly pathogenic avian infection’ is pure FRAUD
Trump Declares Biden’s Autopen-Signed Pardons “Void”
US Navy F-35C Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147 conducts operations aboard Nimitz-class carrier

17 maart 2025

5 Years Later, Politicians Pray You’ll Forget How COVID Tyranny Tore America Apart
A decade of dissent - the struggle goes on
A Whistleblower's Exposé of Big Tech Censorship
BLACK MIRROR Season 7 Trailer (2025) Netflix
Can Trump Truly Drain The Swamp?
Chinese marine oefent met nieuwe ‘invasieschepen’
CIA Stargate figure says psychic was 'murdered' | Reality Check with Ross Coulthart
David Icke | How Humanity Can Take Back Control Before It’s Too Late
David Icke | The Truth About Power, Control, and the Elite’s Plan
Did we just get closer to peace, or did we just get closer to war?
Dotcom.radio aflevering 458 van 16-03-2025
EU leadership have risen to power despite incompetence—a concept sometimes called failing up
European elites escalate war with Russia
Ex-CIA Officer Breaks Silence - The Population Is Being Prepared – Silently
F1 - Official Trailer (2025) Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem, Kerry Condon
Flight of Four U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets refuel over Middle East
Geneva bank ignores all the money-laundering red flags
How Mexican Cartels Got US Missiles Meant for Ukraine - Military Expert Explains
How the EU Is Fueling War, Austerity & Authoritarianism
HSBC and the Salameh affair - alarm bells ignored for a decade
Interview 1938 – From Musk Till Don with James Corbett
Japanese Fortune Teller Implicated in Mysterious Drowning Deaths
Justice Department Rejects Claims About USAID Staffers Shredding, Burning Classified Docs
Klokkenluider komt 'door foutje OM' in bezit van vertrouwelijke corona-correspondentie
Labour held secret meeting with top Israeli arms firm
Monolaurine beschermt tegen covid
New Evidence Suggests Noah’s Ark May Have Been Found in Turkey
New X22 Report Mar 14 - Trump Start With Fraud, Trump Orders Biggest Move Yet 2025
Oekraïne het NAVO-lidmaatschap aanbieden was verschrikkelijk dom
Probiotics cut the duration of fever in kids with throat infections
Prof. Gilbert Doctorow - A Secret Ceasefire?
Slovak Government Official Claims DNA in Vaccines Turns People into "GMOs," Sparks Global Outrage
Spirulina ingestion and autoimmune disease onset or flare
Tariffs Are Needed To Defeat Globalism But They Come With A Cost
The Dark MAGA Gov-Corp Technate — Part 2
The Deep State’s War on Truth—Waged with Doublespeak, Delusion and Propaganda
The digital ruble should be used for control
The EU's "Digital Euro" is a THREAT — Why This CAN'T Happen in America
Trump controlled by KGB/Mossad – Part VII
UK against new nuclearization of Europe – Starmer
We Can’t Fix International Organizations like the WTO. Abolish Them.
Western media suggests Zelensky will be replaced
Will Trump let Israel drag him into endless war? | Opinion by Sami al-Arian
Zorgen over methoden AIVD bij criminele ondermijning

15 maart 2025

A decade of dissent - Zionism and the criminocracy
Angst voor handelsoorlog Trump leidt tot piek in Nederlandse export
Benefits of Dietary Supplementation with Specific Silicon-Enriched Spirulina on Arterial Function in Healthy Elderly Individuals
De schoorsteen rookt alleen bij de finfluencers, niet bij de volgers
De VVD was van de strenge begrotingen en tegen Brusselse staatsleningen
For war crimes defendants, media coverage can reflect how audiences see ‘local justice’ and ‘international justice’ differently
Gevaccineerden veranderen in genetisch gemodificeerde organismen
Impact of Vitamin D3 on Postorthodontic Treatment Stability
Iran increasingly electronically surveils women looking for headscarf violations, UN report warns
Mozilla - DOJ’s Google Remedies Will Hurt Competition, Not Help It
Neanderthals, modern humans and a mysterious human lineage mingled in caves in ancient Israel
New Findings on Nord Stream attacks — A Deep Dive
Patriotic Whistleblower Explains in Court Why He Leaked Secret Pentagon Docs about Ukraine
Pentagon Asks For Military Options To Access Panama Canal
Rob de Wijk, de “onafhankelijke” spreekbuis van onze overheid
Russia not interested in temporary Ukraine deal – Putin aide
Rutte zal vooral willen horen dat Trump naar de NAVO-top komt
Secret crematorium in Mexico sparks probe into enforced disappearances
Ted Cruz's 5G push risks interference with military operations, experts warn
The depopulation of Ukraine
Trump Admin Slaps Fresh Sanctions on Iran's Oil Minister and 'Shadow Fleet' Ferrying Illicit Iranian Crude
Ukraine guilty over 2014 Odessa massacre
What do we know so far about the UK's anti-Musk campaigners?

13 maart 2025

Anna Paulina Luna GRILLS Kash Patel Over Epstein Files Release
Are Fallen Angels Secretly Walking Among Us?
Boven het Maaiveld 78 - na de oorlog zat iedereen in het verzet
Caught | Official Trailer | Netflix
Commissariaat voor de Media kreeg afgelopen jaren 7 MILJARD voor propaganda en censuur
Das Lithium-Komplott – Neueste Enthüllungen über das verbotene Spurenelement
Dedollarisation and BRICS
Europe's Female Leaders Want War
Garlic Cures 100% of Warts in Clinical Study
Hoe de EU critici monddood maakt – van Bosnië tot Roemenië
Jensen midweek update 12 maart
JFK Files Cover Up - Tucker Carlson CALLS OUT Tom Cotton For Blocking JFK Files Release
KC-135 Stratotanker offloads fuel to a P-8A Poseidon over CENTCOM
Nog even en Europa is een planeconomie met een schuldenbubbel
Protesten tegen Elon Musk minder spontaan dan ze lijken
Rusland is geen serieus gevaar voor Europa
Trust in the European Union is not catching up to pre-crisis levels, finds new study
What does Meta’s undersea cable plan mean for geopolitics?
Why People Keep Believing Stupid Things
Wijsheid, inzicht en diplomatie zijn nodig op het wereldtoneel
Yanis Varoufakis on Why European Rearmament Will Weaken Europe

12 maart 2025

80% of People Will Die - Peter Attia Breaks Down the 4 Leading Causes of Death
BONHOEFFER | Official Trailer | 16/04/2025
Canada’s new PM is a globalist climate zealot
China Declares It Is “Ready For War” With US
Dark Horse Marines of 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment 'GET SOME'
Effects of probiotic supplementation on blood lipids ?n hypercholesterolemic obese patients
EU-leiders vormen nu een wereldwijde bedreiging
Europarlementariër maakt Von der Leyen met de grond gelijk
He LEAKED The Whole Secret About Trump in Emergency Broadcast
Het opblazen van de Nordstream was een proxy-oorlog van de VS tegen Duitsland/Europa
Israel freaks out after Trump envoy says U.S. ‘Not a Client State’
The US has tried to annex Canada before - here’s why it didn’t work
Trump’s effort to peel Russia away from China meets resistance as Putin escalates war
U.S. Military Operations underway at Pituffik Space Base in Greenland
US Government Restarts Military Support and Intelligence Sharing with Ukraine After Joint Statement Released
Western F-16s ‘can’t compete’ with Russian Su-35s – Ukrainian Air Force
Wie vertelt eindelijk eens de waarheid aan Wilfred Genee?

11 maart 2025

A British man who was captured by Russian troops while fighting for Ukraine has been sentenced to 19 years in prison
A Tale Of Two Protesters
Berlin Concerned Over F-35 'Kill Switch' Amid US Policy Shifts
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink just issued a warning to President Trump about the danger of conducting mass deportations
Carney VS. Trump - The battle for North America
Child deaths surge amid ‘Gazafication’ of West Bank, report says
China Joining Russia Against NATO

De Europese Commissie wil dat uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers daadwerkelijk de EU verlaten
De ondersteuning van de Oekraïne leidt Europa in de zelfmoord
Elon Musk says ‘massive cyberattack’ on X had Ukrainian links
Europe wants to ‘pre-bunk’ you Wokeness is over. Censorship isn't
Gaza desalination plant could run out of clean water after Israel cuts off power supply
Gymnasiumlinks heeft de arbeiders in de armen van rechts gejaagd

Has Trump Seen Proof that Funds For Ukraine Were Stolen?
Het spook van Weimar – Een democratie in crisis
Inbeslagname Russische tegoeden dichterbij. ECB waarschuwt voor de gevolgen.
Is President Trump an Israeli Puppet?
Israel’s Secrets In Iran’s Hand - 100,000 Classified Files Stolen
Mar Mari Emmanuel bible prophecy | Strange Events Worldwide—Final Signs of the End Times?

Orban v the European Union
Reuters Fake Fact Check Fails Again
The Dark Truth About Europe—Revealed in Their Own Words
The Simple Routine That Slashes Your Cancer Risk by 60%
The vitamin movie
This Supplement Could Be the Secret to Avoiding Colds (immune system game-changer)
Top Ukrainian Journalist Calls for Assassination of Trump

Ukraine’s Intelligence is All Lies, Lies, & More Lies
Untold Secrets of Vitamin C - Fixes Everything!
Vitamin D levels correlate with exercise capacity in adults with CHD
What IS happening! Prepared?
Whistleblower Exposes Meta for Considering Sharing User Data with China

10 maart 2025

AH-64 Apache Helicopter spotted in Iraq with Spike NLOS Missiles
Berberine inhibits phagocytosis through the TLR4-PI3K-CDC42 pathway
BlackRock strikes $23 billion deal to place Panama Canal ports under American control
Can Joe Biden be brought to justice for Gaza genocide? with Sarah Leah Whitson
CBG bewaakt niet, maar pusht corona “vaccins”
China is Ready to Strike Japan
China Taiwan War - Is China Secretly Trying To Gain Control of Japan's Okinawa?
China's strategie voor de nieuwe wereldorde

David Icke - The Biggest Lies in History That You Still Believe
De VVD heeft afgelopen 15 jaar groenlinks beleid uitgevoerd, alleen maar praatjes
Despite his claims of being broke, Hunter Biden's 'lawfare' continues against IRS whistleblowers
Dotcom.radio aflevering 457
Elite Whistleblower Reveals Pentagon’s Darkest UAP Secrets
Ex-DNC Insider CALLS OUT Clinton's Epstein Ties & His Predator Past
Fmr. FBI Whistleblower on Pam Bondi's Epstein Reveal

Gardasil’s dark truth, dose two
Gaslighting America - The Epstein Files Release Is a sham
Has Israel Done Enough to Save Gazans?
How AI, electronic warfare could shape the future of combat
How influential figures like Elon Musk could signal Gen X's long-awaited moment
How the CIA Recruits & Tests New Assets | Tom Drake
How To Cut $2 Trillion - A Blueprint From Ronald Reagan’s Budget Cutter To Musk, Ramaswamy And The DOGE TEAM

Imperial Illusions (Official Documentary Trailer)
Inside Hidden Underground Bases - Alien Alliances & Secret Experiments
Iran to hold joint naval drill with Russia, China
Iron Dome for America could work in space
Is Trump’s Chaos Good or Bad for the Ruling Class? w/ Ben Becker & Rania Khalek
Islamisme verlamt scholen en samenleving
Israel and US Drill MASSIVE B-52 Bomber, Sending Message to Iran

Jakob de Jonge over de Europese "oorlogshysterie" en "het verval van het Westen"
Love, Corruption, and FIFA’s Fall Uncovered
My Son Got Measles From the MMR Vaccine
Never Forget That Making Britain Into a Broke, Repressive Dystopia Was a Deliberate Choice
No One Is Coming To Save Us
Paid Influencers Downplaying Epstein’s Blackmail Pedo Operation - FF Ep297
People are waking up... there has been a massive change in how people view the mainstream media
Poland and Baltics Embrace Macron’s Nuclear Escalation—Defying Trump’s Push for Peace with Russia
Population Collapse is a Massive Problem - Dr Paul Morland
President Trump en het ontbreken van wijsheid in de Europese Unie (EU). Veritas Vos Liberabit

Rechtszaak Centraal Bureau Geneesmiddelen bij Raad van State – een slecht theaterstuk?
Saving the Internet in Europe - Defending Privacy and Fighting Surveillance
Selective Hearing - the real story of Brian Deer and the GMC
Shell Companies Exposed, Trump Just Cutoff The [DS] From Intel & Exposed Ukraine – Ep. 3590
Steven Spreekt met Werner Niemegeers
Study MRNA bioweapon injections cause VAIDS

The Age of Stupid Strategy - How the West Mastered the Art of Losing
The Measles Hoax - Exposing the virus delusion
The plan to replace Russian gas in Europe with US LNG began in 2014
The Prescience of George Orwell — ‘1984’ is Here
The Shadow Government That Ran Biden's White House
This Is How the West Dies
This is straight out of BLACK MIRROR
Trump de shitcoiner? | Staat's Schuld | Boris van de Ven

Ursula Von Der Leyen grijpt de ‘vredescrisis’ aan om nog meer macht naar zich toe te trekken
USAID funded Soros who funded far-left agendas in Europe and Latin America
Vitamine D in een dagelijkse dosering van 50 mcg (2000IE) is veilig en effectief
Warmongering and Fear-Mongering
Weigeren inzage covid document
Werkt de oorlogspropaganda? Welk spel spelen Timmermans en Yesilgöz?
Why Is Europe Making Itself Irrelevant
Why South Africa is collapsing. There are 140 anti-white laws.
Zionism Is Strangling Free Speech In Australia


8 Mins Ago - Elon Musk exposed what no one else will…
9/11 was ALLOWED to Happen Due to Billion-Dollar NSA Scandal | Tom Drake
Amazing Cockpit View of a U.S. Air Force F-15C Eagle in Okinawa, Japan
Bill O’Reilly’s New Prediction Is Every Democrat’s Worst Nightmare
CBDC - The Impacts on Freedom, Privacy, and Economic Development
China announces major oil, natural gas deposit reserve discovery in Beibu Gulf Basin

Climate scientist Michael Mann’s legal woes deepen
David Icke - The Hidden Hand Controlling Your Reality!
De EU wordt steeds militanter. Kan Trump het conflict in Oekraïne, ondanks Brusselse oorlogshitserij, stoppen?
Diverse antitumor effects of ascorbic acid on cancer cells and the tumor microenvironment
Done funding this war!” MAGA vs Ukraine
Dr. Pierre Kory! As Bird Flu & Measles Hysteria Accelerates - Team Trump Promotes Vaccines In Babies, Chickens & Cows

Effectiveness of an Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) Softgel Supplementation on Sleep Quality, Mental Health Status
Efforts to Ban COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Gain Momentum
Fleur Agema geeft nogmaals toe dat de NCTV de regie neemt
Franske pas op! Je complottheorieën gaan tot nog meer oorlog en doden leiden.
Geert Wilders haalt uit naar Ye?ilgöz
Jeffrey Epsteins pedofilie-operatie was creatie van Mossad
Katie Hopkins - Here’s what happens next with UKRAINE. Zelensky has reached his expiry date
Oorlogsretoriek EU en VVD is meer dan verontrustend

Poetin geeft “huiveringwekkende” toespraak
Pulse | Official Trailer | Netflix
PVV stemt tegen motie die regering verzoekt uit VN-Vluchtelingenverdrag te stappen
Replacement Migration - Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?
Sasha Latypova - COVID-19 Countermeasures - Evidence of the Intent to Harm
Senators Demand Documents on How Much COVID-19 Cash Planned Parenthood Illegally Received
The Deep State Strikes Back!
The Gut Bacteria That’s Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID
Trump botst met Zelensky en EU, Koude Oorlog in het Westen?

Trump plans to rejuvenate U.S. shipbuilding may run aground on rocks of Navy problems
Trump puts new limits on Elon Musk
Ursula Von Der Leyen grijpt de 'vredescrisis' aan om nog meer macht naar zich toe te trekken #DDDEU
Ursula von der Leyen is de weg volkomen kwijt!
We Can’t Stop AI – Here’s What To Do Instead [Keep The Future Human]
Why the Red Pill Movement Died

6 maart 2025

A Disastrous British-Led Operation in Ukraine
A Monetary Reset Is Coming
A Single Drone Can Turn the “Peaceful Atom” Into World War 3
A tangled web of deception
Abusive Conspiracy Trial Opens in Tunis
Are Dangerous Vaccine Protocols Causing the Deadly Measles Outbreak in Texas?
As Globalism Breaks Nations Must Produce Their Own Survival Necessities

BlackRock secures control of Panama Canal ports, curtailing Chinese influence
BlackRock to buy Panama Canal ports run by Hong Kong firm
CBDC - The End of Money [documentary]
CDC and Merck caught cherry-picking data to hide Gardasil vaccine risks, court documents reveal
Current Ratio 74 Europese zelfmoord
David Icke Over Zijn Verbanning, De Elite en Controverses – Dit Mag Je Niet Horen
De oorlog in Oekraïne is het gevolg van een staatsgreep die in februari 2014 werd uitgevoerd onder leiding van de CIA
Did You Read The Search Warrant For Mar-A-Lago?
Does the Government Keep Society Running in the Background?
DOGE, The Epstein List, and World War III
Doofpot-inspectiediensten IGJ & IJ&V betrokken bij onderzoek naar pleegzorg mishandeld meisje

Former CDC director exposes lies of gov’t-media-biomedical complex
Former Met Police Detective Mike Neville criticizes the police for prioritizing minor issues, such as neighbourhood disputes and social media posts
Globalists disrupt peace effort in showdown in Oval Office
Gunslingers (2025) Official Trailer - Stephen Dorff, Heather Graham, Nicolas Cage, Scarlet Stallone
Hoe Knops, van de Defensie industrie flink mag lobbyen om meer geld te krijgen voor zijn business
Hoger Beroep David Icke, Raad van State | Potkaars
Israel is trying to starve Palestinians during Ramadan – but the BBC continues to obfuscate this
It Backfired, Didn't It? Jim Jordan Presses Witness About 'Lawfare' Against Trump

Judicial Watch Sues for JFK Files!
Krampen van een oude wereldorde | 1873 Ad & Jelle
Low vitamin levels linked to dementia symptoms as doctor shares warning signs
Markets are hungry for EU war bonds
Musk plots SpaceX takeover of FAA flight safety
New tech recycles 90% of nuclear waste into power-packed fuel in a major breakthrough

Satellite Image Discloses Potential China’s Supercarrier
The Deep Mind Control Secrets Of A CIA Operative REVEALED | Andrew Bustamante
The Deep State’s War on Truth—Waged with Doublespeak, Delusion and Propaganda
The War on RFK Jr
Trump slams Elizabeth Warren over Ukraine war
Trump-Amerikanen zijn wel klaar met leslezende Europeanen
Trump’s Russia Reset Is Real — Here’s How Europe Should Respond
Washington Is Destroying the USA to Rule the World | Dr. Arthur Khachikian

5 maart 2025

A Brussels Reich? Van der Leyen’s ‘ReArm Europe’ Plan
A decade of dissent - defying the global psychopaths
Anybody working for Iran in UK must register or face jail, government announces
Arab leaders adopt plan for Gaza future to counter Trump vision
Arab leaders, UN endorse Egypt's $53 billion Gaza plan

Can a Foreign Court Control Free Speech in America?
Columnist argues America's greatness is disappearing under Trump
Corporate America’s dirty trick, the First Amendment is being abused
Covid ‘Vaccines’ Causing Immune System Damage & Chronic Fatigue?
De Europeanen hebben niet in de gaten dat ze niets in de melk te brokkelen hebben
De gruwel van Oost-Congo wordt weer door de wereld vergeten en verzwegen
Defense industry spends big on lobbying Brussels

Does the United States Government Need a Gold Reserve? No.
DOGE targets America's only underground nuclear waste disposal site
DOGE, The Epstein List, and World War III
During remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) spoke about federally subsidized media.
EU rapidly depleting gas reserves
EU’s plan to ‘militarise’ health emergency unit raises eyebrows in Brussels
Evaluatie van curcuminederivaten - antischimmelactiviteit en mogelijke toepassingen
Ex-CDC Director Drops BOMBSHELL - Lab Leak, RFK Jr., and COVID Truths EXPOSED

Filmmaker Chris Pinto dives deep into the making of his thought-provoking documentary, American Jesuits
France’s Encryption Crackdown Could Break Secure Messaging for Everyone
Gardasil and DNA contamination
German military analysts raise security concerns over China-made wind turbines
Germany Gate, Part Two
Globalisation with the Chinese Face?
Greenlanders Tell Trump (and Denmark) Their Home Is ‘Not For Sale’

How the risk of AI weapons could spiral out of control
How Zelensky blew it, in two emails
Inside Deep State “Coup” in Romania
Is DeepSeek a Sputnik Moment for America? | Nicolas Chaillan
Is Israel using starvation as a weapon of war?
Israel blocks humanitarian aid from entering Gaza
Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu takes stand in ongoing corruption trial

Jokkende Yoeri confronteren met zijn eigen desinformatie
Katie Hopkins - it is hard for many Brits to hear, but UKRAINE NEEDS TRUMP
Maps showing China’s growing influence in Africa distort reality – but some risks are real
Millions in Covid relief funds went to shadowy companies registered at a Wyoming storefront that hundreds of thousands of firms used as an address
More Evidence Shows USAID Is Money Pot for Far-left Democrats
Musk, Trump and the International Space Station – who really benefits?
New evidence of Ukrainian war crimes emerges – media

Poles frustrated by wealthy Ukrainians – defense minister
Repression in the West Bank EXPOSED in Oscar-Winning Documentary
THE AMATEUR “You're Not A Killer” New Trailer (2025) Rami Malek
The Crushing Impact of Trumpism on Africa
The Future Will Be One of Blockchains, CBDCs, and Cryptocurrencies
Trump Attorney General Drops a New ‘TRUCKLOAD’ of Epstein Evidence

U.S. Coast Guard Station Los Angeles/Long Beach is 'Cartel Ready'
US launches world’s first 240-ton unmanned ship for autonomous naval missions
USAID Cover-Up on Ukraine! Judicial Watch SUES!
WARFARE | First Look Trailer (2025)
Was Bobby Kennedy Kidnapped & Replaced With A Measles Fear Porn & Vaccine Pimping Robot?
What Did He Say? Zelenskyy Was Even Worse in the Oval Office Than We Knew.
Why Did The FDA Greenlight The COVID Vaccines?
Will Trump Trigger a Eurozone Debt Crisis?

4 maart 2025

10 Steps to Stop the WEF
2021 - Ministerie van VWS gaf onrechtmatig miljarden uit aan coronamateriaal
African state interested in nuclear cooperation with Russia – media
Amercia won’t put up with it
Australia to send more military aid to Ukraine
Australia's Suicide Strategy - US Puppet, China Paranoid, Lost in SEA | Amb. Dr. Geoff Raby

Big Tech shares millions of user accounts with US authorities, report finds
Burgeroorlog VS, einde NAVO, Turkse Blitzkrieg Europa
Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?
Candace Owens says we will never see the Epstein Files
China Retaliates, Announces 15% Tariff On Import Of These Items From US
China’s new spy drone with 310-mile radar range can track US stealth jets
Coconut Oil & Heart Disease - A New Study Challenges the Old Advice
COL. Douglas Macgregor - Egypt Ready for War with Israel

Democrats on the side of Endless War
Did Deep State Democrats Tell Zelenskyy to Sabotage WH Meeting W/ President Trump?
EDEN Official Trailer (2025) Sydney Sweeney, Ana de Armas
Elon Musk Calls Volodymyr Zelensky "Evil"
Elon Musk Makes Joe Rogan Go Silent with His Chilling Warning
Elon Musk Shuts Down RFK Jr. Critics With One Powerful Statement
Enige onenigheid over Oekraïne - Nijman & Charante
EU Commission not considering involvement in Nord Stream 2
EU/NATO are children living at home with their parents (America) for 80 years

FBI launches investigation into James Comey over alleged “honeypot” operation targeting Trump in 2016
Fighter jets carrying nuclear weapons could potentially be deployed to Germany
Forum Inside - politieke vervolging komt steeds vaker voor in het vrije Westen. Waarom?
How Macron became the face of Western Europe’s submission
How NSA Happily Profited from the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks | Tom Drake
Hungary blocks EU Ukraine security proposal
In 2014, Senator Chris Murphy bragged about the United States successfully overthrowing Ukraine's government
Indonesia’s Textile Giant Falls - Over 10,000 Workers Left Jobless
Iran confirms its nuclear programme was discussed between US and Russia
Is Nord Stream Back, As Part of ‘New Deal’ Between Russia and The West?
Is Peace Between the US and Russia Possible? Garland Nixon and Harley Schlanger

Journal Retracts Paper That’s Unflattering to the Woke
Keir Starmer’s coalition of the wimpering
Larry Johnson - Can Zelenskyy Last Much Longer?
Max Blumenthal - Netanyahu Sabotages Ceasefire
Moscow correspondent Chay Bowes on the Russian reaction to the extraordinary confrontation in Washington
Nord Stream Is Back In The News As Part Of Grand Deal Between Russia & The West
Nord Stream Revelation – Submarines in the ‘NATO Lake’
Omroepbestuurders fluisteren Kamerleden in wat te zeggen
Ontario will cut off U.S. electricity exports 'with a smile on my face,' Ford says

Pam Bondi Says She Was MISLED
Potentially ‘catastrophic’ use of AI in nuke systems raised by former Royal Navy boss
Report Your Family For Wrong Think, Says German Government Initiative
The hidden secret behind America’s missing nuclear weapons
The Trump-Vance Doctrine
The Woman In The Yard | Official Trailer 2
Top NSA Official Reveals Darkest Secrets of the Deep State | Tom Drake

US Army to deploy 1st Dark Eagle hypersonic missile, can hit 1,725-mile away at Mach 5
US cyber defense halt against Russia stuns Republican
Vitamin D lowers inflammation, and inflammation is the common thread between most chronic diseases
We Know Who Killed JFK Says Ken McCarthy
Why Is Europe Making Itself Irrelevant
Within just a few years, Greta Thunberg has gone from being the darling of the liberal establishment to Public Enemy No. 1
Would elite US bankers crash the dollar?
Zelensky's Big Mistake - Why He Made It And How He Can Fix It - Konstantin Kisin

3 maart 2025

20,000-year-old evidence of ancient 'vehicles' discovered in New Mexico
4,000-Year-Old Stonehenge-Like Circle Discovered in Denmark
60.000 captured German soldiers parading through the streets of Moscow, 1944
A Mossad Honeypot - Monica Lewinsky reveals the dark truth behind the Clinton affair
Aanslag op Nordstream was niet de eerste in zijn soort
America Aggressive Approach to Multipolar World - Max Blumenthal, Alexander Mercouris, Glenn Diesen
America on the Couch - the Fear of Questioning 9/11
Americans ‘do not want to fund’ Ukraine war
Are the REAL 'Epstein Files' Being HIDDEN by THIS Rogue Court?

Big Pharma owns your senator - corruption exposed!
Bill Murray on JoeRogan - they framed Nixon
China wants to assert its position as a ‘great power in the region’
CIA insiders threaten to leak secrets if Trump fires them
COL. Douglas Macgregor - Egypt ready for war with Israel.
Congresswoman Hageman UNCOVERS USAID Fraud, Censorship and Human Trafficking
DARK MONEY – Shadow Government Rules via Global NGO’s
Deep State Exposed - The Vatican-Zionist Pact
Demolished Empire and Native Americans

Denmark Prepares for Russian “Invasions of NATO Lands”
DNC Insider Lindy Li REVEALS Clinton’s Thirst for Power Made Her Heartless
Dotcom.radio aflevering 456
Elite US border unit goes after the worst of the worst | Crisis on the Border
Elon Musk Exposes The Biggest Scam in Human History on Joe Rogan
END OF THE AFFAIR - MOATS with George Galloway - EP 426
Engineered Collapse of the Middle Class
Epstein Files FLOP In Total Chaos - Trump Protecting Israel?
Epstein Files Nightmare, Cover-Up EXPOSED

EU leaders fear Commission power grab on defense after Trump’s exit
Europe has gone MAD and they are digging their own grave
Europe PANICS After Zelensky-Trump Blow-up. USA Cuts Losses, Europe in Denial | Prof. Glenn Diesen
Europe's Growing Irrelevance - Karin Kneissl, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
EU’s Intolerance to Dissent, Both Abroad and at Home
Eva Bartlett on CIA-funded War Propaganda
Every Culture & Government In Human History Has Committed Atrocities
Expert raises alarm over Chinese influence in Panama Canal region

Explosieve Epstein-files bij Justitie VS leiden tot paniek bij FBI
FBI Returns Trump Documents Seized During Raid At Mar-a-Lago
Five people chosen to receive the Epstein binder are affiliates of The Wellness Company
Former FBI Agent REVEALS Epstein as Israeli Intelligence?!
FULL 2-Hour Interview With Dr. Philip Krause On Politics Corrupting FDA Vaccine Review Process
George Galloway and Piers Morgan discussing the Ukraine War, and the true origins of it
German factories counting on return of Russian gas
Globalisme en USAID gaan hetzelfde graf in

Go Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza (Season 21) | Ancient Aliens
Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin Urges Team For 60-Hour Work Week Amid AI Competition
Het gaat ons allemaal aan
History, not Corporate Media, defines Fascism
Hoe Canada kritische onderzoekers de mond snoert
Hoe de Europese Unie ngo's inzet voor propaganda
How generative AI is revolutionizing scientific discovery
How Israel's cutting off aid to Gaza will impact millions of Palestinians

How to Never Get Angry or Bothered by Anyone | David Icke
Is Trump een lompe hork of een briljante strateeg die welbewust The Madman strategie inzet om Europa te ontregelen?
Manhattan Project Victims
Mar Mari Emmanuel It's Happening | Chilling Warnings For God's Chosen
Mattias Desmet’s book warns of modern, tech-driven totalitarianism
MI5's BBC Blacklist, Economic League, surveillance state & China's social credit Mark Hollingsworth
Musk backs US withdrawal from UN and NATO
My Article on the CIA and USAID Hit a Nerve with the USAID Crowd

NATO Could Effectively Die This June
Natural and Alternative Therapies for Cancer Prevention and Treatment
NieuweTijd Podcast - Nieuwe koers van Europa, geavanceerde drones & de rol van Trump
Normies are angry
Norway breaks silence after fuel giant refuses to fill US navy ships
Ola Tunander - US/UK PsyOps Against Sweden, Ending Sweden's Neutrality & Destruction of Nord Stream
Openbaarmaking van geheime technologie kan de wereld transformeren

Oxford University will regret investing in Israel’s genocide in Gaza
P2 - International Fraud - Donald Trump - The Stargate Project
Patients Unknowingly Received Covid Jabs While Under Sedation at Hospitals, US Attorneys Claim
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs - EU Stands Alone Against Diplomacy and Negotiation Efforts
Putin Ally In Secret Talks With Trump Admin To Restart Nord Stream 2
Researcher Says Ukraine’s $500 Billion Rare Earth Deal Is a Scam to Cancel Debt and Get Blank Checks
Russia is ‘not the superpower it claims to be’ | Former NATO Sec. Gen.
Satellite analysis shows rapid dash to house migrants at Guantanamo Bay
Shocking Poll Reveals Single Mother CRISIS Skyrocketing In U.S

Slowakije trekt zich terug - einde aan steun voor Oekraïne
Soros trying to derail Trump’s plans
The Budapest Memorandum - The Fake Narrative Supporting a Long War in Ukraine
The Deep State and Trump — Full Interview w/ Jimmy Dore
The Deep State Started This War
The End of Peace in Europe and the Western-dominated World Order? | Amb. Chas Freeman
The Epstein Files - Who Dropped the Ball on This Document Release?
The global maffia - Zisglom

The next generation of AI will be speech-based
The petty authoritarianism of Britain’s thoughtpolice
The power behind the "personalities"
The Sad Quest for a Secret 'Epstein Client List'
The Untold Story of OSS Operative Steve Bizic | Jacek Waliszewski | Ep. 330
The War in Ukraine Must Come To An End
The Western Mainstream Media Refuse to Report This
Trump Approves $3 Billion Weapons Transfer to Israel

Trump signals he is ready to abandon Ukraine
Trump's Gaza Plan, the Israel Lobby, and Ukraine Negotiations | Harvard Prof. Stephen Walt
Trump’s Iron Dome for America is ambitious
U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer Bombers HOT PIT at Misawa Air Base, Japan
UFO Expert Warns That Summoning Aliens is Highly Dangerous
UK media claims possible Russia collapse
Unredacted Epstein files must be released, says congresswoman
Ursula’s zwanenzang lokt geen beren, maar wolven

US Defense Chief Pauses Cyber Operations Against Russia
US Gives Israel Green Light To Stay In Lebanon 'Indefinitely'
VWS stribbelt tegen bij openbaar maken WOB-documenten
We got 2.4 million federal employees. We have 4.6 million credit cards out there
What Trump REALLY EXPOSED with Zelensky | Putin is KEY to wars end says retired Colonel
What's happening at the FBI is even worse than we thought
Who Went to Epstein Island?
Why Evil Triumphs - Dennis Prager

Why Remote Viewers Can’t See Beyond 2030? | Gregg Braden
Why's Israel Reportedly Lobbying The US To Keep Russia's Bases In Syria?
Zelensky Has Been manipulative
Zelensky's military recruiters snatched another young man off the street

1 maart 2025

America’s Stab in the Back
Amid Fragile Ceasefire, Israel Still Illegally Occupies 5 Locations in Lebanon
Apple accused of greenwashing in US lawsuit
Billionaire Jeff Bezos makes Washington Post an ally of Trump
Bosch Legacy - The Final Season - Official Trailer
Cash Jordan Describes the Looming War with Mexican Cartels at the Border
Conspiracy Theorists Were Right About Everything

De chaos in de omroepwereld
Death of a Unicorn Trailer (2025)
DOJ Releases Batch of ‘Epstein Files’ to Pro-Israel Internet Influencers
Donald Trump might have made a bad mineral deal with Ukraine
Elites Race for Total Control - Catherine Austin Fitts in Interview | www.kla.tv/36651
Exposed Raskin Reacts to Allegations Tying Him to $160M USAID Scandal
For peace in Ukraine, we must defeat the globalist propaganda machine
Former FBI director investigated for allegedly trying to ‘destroy’ 2016 Trump campaign

German Industry Begins Calling For Return to Russian Gas
Giving Power BACK To The People, NOT The Press
God is eeuwig - Hij is er altijd geweest en zal er altijd zijn
GoPro View flying the U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II (Part One)
Greenland flirting with Musk to get Starlink
Has Our Gold Been Stolen? President Trump and Elon Musk to Visit Fort Knox to Find Out
Heavily redacted Epstein Files released
Housing - The Foundations Of The Middle Class Are Crumbling

How DC’s Bureaucratic Overreach Sparked a Rebellion
How Much Gold Does the US Government Own, and Where Is It?
India scouting for critical minerals in Africa and Australia
Iran Sanctions backfire? US is being isolated by obsession with world domination & all forms of war
Israel’s bombing of Gaza caused untold environmental damage ? recovery will take effort and time
Listen to Former FBI Director Ted Gunderson expose The Deep State & Bilderberg Group
Man from South Africa Explains that White Farmers Are Being Killed
NATO Is the Big Obstacle to Peace in Ukraine

Pam Bondi DROPS BOMB On Epstein's Flight Logs & Client List Release
Pam Bondi Fires Back at Kash Patel - FBI Withholding Epstein Pages
The Surfer - Official Trailer (2025) Nicolas Cage, Julian McMahon, Nic Cassim
Trump fires hundreds at US climate agency Noaa
Trump's Resort Mentality Pushes Middle East to Rethink Failed Strategies
Ukraine conflict provoked by NATO expansion
Underwater UFO explorer finds movielike object in Baltic Sea | Reality Check
Ursula von der Leyen beschouwt zichzelf en de EU als een speler op het wereldtoneel
US Releases Declassified Jeffrey Epstein Files
USAID blew millions on literal ‘pet projects’ in Ukraine

What has George Soros funded in the U.K. via his Open Society Foundations?
Zelensky the Dictator – Neither the US or Britain Denied Elections During War
Zelensky’s arrogance fuels Ukraine conflict, demands NATO membership

27 februari 2025

18% van de Nederlandse volwassenen wil het leger in als NL wordt aangevallen
All These Israeli Agendas Were Planned Long in Advance
Andrew Tate and brother leave Romania for US after travel ban lifted
Big Tech’s Growing AI Footprint Linked to $5.4 Billion in Public Health Costs
Britain’s energy disaster is self inflicted
Chinese scientists reveal plans for near-invisible stealth missiles that could 'redefine modern warfare'
Consumption of omega-3 weakens insulin resistance in non-obese rats, study shows

De EU is hard op weg naar irrelevantie
DeepSeek is now a global force
Denmark wanted advice on handling Trump. It turned to Ozempic’s boss.
Disturbing UFO Tech has ESCAPED the US Military
Doctors Against Genocide
Does Trump Really Have A Plan For Ukraine?
Epstein files ‘will make you sick’ – US attorney general
Epstein-files vandaag geopenbaard

Erik Prince - War Will Never Be The Same
EU negeert voorlopig eigen mensenrechtenclausule in samenwerking met Israël
EU trying to block Ukraine peace – Lavrov
Europa mag niet meegaan in ‘oorlogsmentaliteit’
EU’s von der Leyen to raise Russia sanctions with India – media
Has the Decline of Christianity in the U.S. Come to and End?
Havoc Teaser Trailer (2025)
Hoger Beroep David Icke, Raad van State

Inside the secret group of government workers fighting Trump
Jair Bolsonaro EXPOSES USAID Role In Brazil’s Free Speech Crackdown
Jeffrey Sachs - EU Panics as Peace Breaks Out
Luister niet naar Theo Francken, er zijn andere plaatsen om de gemeenschap te dienen dan in het leger
Most Voters Are Angry About Waste of Taxpayer Money
Netanyahu Only Ever Saw the Hostages as His Path Back to Genocide
Nord Stream Revelation – Submarines in the ‘NATO Lake’

PANIC as White House EXPOSES Them All with Unexpected Announcement
Patriots Labeled “Racist,” “Transphobe,” “Homophobe”
Prof. Glenn Diesen - Is American Empire Ending?
Psychic Child Soldiers? The Shocking Truth About the GATE Program | Jesse Michels
Release the Epstein Files — all of them
Stalking en obsessief gedrag door de NCTV

The New Robert De Niro Show Is Elite Propaganda
Trump and the Mass Survellance State
Tulsi Gabbard just called out CNN as the propaganda arm of the intelligence community
Uncertainty for thousands forced from West Bank camps by Israeli raids
US can no longer subsidize NATO
USAID Exported CIA Balkan Terror to Haiti
USAID Sent Millions To Ukraine In Secret Slush Funds, Investigators Found
Waarom worden 'haatpredikers' zonder problemen toegelaten tot Nederland, terwijl David Icke de toegang wordt geweigerd?
Why is the US funding China’s rise?


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